Sunday, October 16, 2011

Carver Brewery (Durango, CO)

It has occurred to me that I am a terrible failure.  The only worthwhile thing in life, and I’ve failed at it.  I mean blogging.  By now you’ve certainly noticed the lapse of time between postings and the overall lack of attention we’ve been putting into these updates.  So many people have bent over backwards to get us this blog space, and here we are wasting it. 

Oh well.  Mark it all up to the amount of beer and fun we’re reveling in.  As for Carver Brewery, they not only served as a fine place to drink beer, but as a finer place to get out of the torrential deluge that had followed us to Durango.  It wasn’t even noon yet, and already we were busy at our snobbery.  Fortunately for Carver, they done well.  Carver was once a bakery (Carver’s bakery) sometime in the 1950’s and eventually was sold to the current owners and brewers that make Carver beer.  Carver was Colorado’s second craft brewery in the state, established only a month after Wynkoop brewery in Denver.

Ironhorse Stout:  Guiness goodness.  Coffee like in appearance, beer like in results.

Garden-brau Heffewiezen:  Gingery and sweet like a grapefruit, would go great on a sunny, non-rainy day like the one we endured in Durango. 

Old Oak Amber:  Amber in appearance, yet somewhat boring in results.  In the world of amber beers, you have a lot to contend with, and this beer goes down in the third round.  Not bad, but not good or thick enough to harbor ancient dinosaur-DNA-carrying mosquitoes.

Sucker Punch Black IPA:  As black and powerful as the soul of the abyss. Gaze into the IPA, and it will gaze back at you.  Bitter yet brutally honest.  Listen closely, it foretells of doom and sorrow!  But never mind any of that, this beer is still delightful, despite its morose character.

Rating:  25 out of 32 soggy parking tickets.

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