Ahhh, the pint glass. Maybe it’s just me, but there’s something comforting and reassuring about the average pint glass you find in a bar. Something that queues that little Pavlov dog in my brain to salivate uncontrollably. Something that says “Don’t worry, Daniel, your friend is here now.” Especially when it’s filled with so much good beer.
Just look at it. All that beautiful liquid gold shimmering through the beads of condensation, trickling down its glassy sides. The weight of it in your hand, a mere pound, hefty with so much delicious glory and promise. Even the feel of it in your hand, as if your wrist and hand have been brought to a natural, neutral position for healing.
Does this sound like the ravings of an alcoholic, lost in his own addled mind, brimming with beer and dopamine? Some one who’s clearly lost touch with their inner child and instead spending all their time playing with their inner drunk? Maybe the gibbering of a man trying to blog drunk? Yes, it does, but remember one thing: I am no mere drunk. I’m a professional. A professional pays acute attention to details, aspiring to a level of such mastery that nothing remains trivial. My enthusiasm for beer goes way beyond mere enjoyment and hobby. I enjoy it professionally, which gives me full right to waste all this space talking about pint glasses. I’m also a little drunk.
Wheat Wine: So, one of our contacts in Ft. Collins confided in us that he wasn’t that big a fan of FBC (Ft. Collins Brewery) because their beers are “too smoky”. Well, Drew, be that as it may, but I’d call you a liar. This smooth wheat cousin to barley wine has nothing smoky about it and is superb. Now, unless Drew meant that these beers are Smokey, as in awesome, fearless, and passionate like Smokey the Bear, then that would make more sense.
Common Ground Amber: Coffee infused amber beer, and surprisingly good. Tastes either like bad coffee or good beer.
Red Hot Chili Porter: Nacho-like beer. Seriously. It kind of tastes like nachos you’d get at a high school basketball game. “Probably good with Mexican wrestling.” Touché, but I didn’t find it too my liking.
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